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visual arts marketing

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Never heard of them, IMO though the website looks horrific and very amateurish. Not what I would expect from a 'marketing' company.


Personally would not touch them with a barge pole, and that's just going by the quality of the websites.

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Hmm, I think you're all being a bit hasty . . . I mean:


They do have  website . . . and an auction site . . . okay, they don't really have an "auction site", they have a "working PROTOTYPE of the our ONLINE Auction Currently Being Developed by Our Custom-Design Team". But hey, close enough surely.


And they do have items for auction . . . okay, they don't really, but "Listings and Buyer Accounts are Currently "under" review by our art curators!" Close enough surely.


And they are trying to raise funds on GoFundMe.com . . . and they have a target of $29,999 . . . and have so far attracted $0.00 . . . close enough?


And they do have a real e-mail address . . . okay, it's a Gmail address, but hey, close enough surely.


And they do have "relationships" with Southbys and Christies. That's got to be good . . .


And they will "post" your work to Saatchi Online (okay, if I had the address I could post your work and mine to the Grand Poobah of Shangri-La, but hey . . . ) .


And they have an actual address . . . okay, they only have a postal address, but hey . . .


And they offer free legal advice . . . like "Re: "tax write off"- it's true, you could deduct a lot of travel and business expenses if you sell even One (1) photo or artwork!" . . .


But the clincher surely has to be their two youtube videos, especially the one asking for folk to sponsor a child because that's really what they want, to bring the disadvantaged youth to the art marketplace. I for one am struggling to resist . . .


So come on, what's not to trust?



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