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Hi all,


I have tried my hand at Live News. My images have been processed and is now appearing in AIM with not for sale. My questions is from here do I have to update all the keywords, captions and RF/RM in AIM? I can't see the Headline and Caption which I added to metadata in Lightroom?


Many Thanks



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HI Hai,


I use lightroom to set my metadata - and the main description field does appear in AIM, so I'm wondering if you're using the right field ?   Also my news pictures appear in AIM as not for sale initially, however I know for a fact that they've been put out ( if good enough of course ).



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Thanks Simon and Geoff.


Unfortunately, my news submission has bern taken down to stock. The reason given was unclear. Im still waiting to see whether the caption was missing or not up to standard. Awaiting email response from live news.

I used lightroom. I used  "title" for headline and "caption" for caption. Not sure if they were the right fields?

Perhaps my caption was too short. I'll try to find one of my captions and see what your thoughts are.





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1 hour ago, GS-Images said:


You're welcome for the help.


The Caption in Lightroom is where you put the description, which ends up appearing in the caption in AIM.


The main heading for all images for that session needs to go in the Headline field in Lightroom, under IPTC. So that's where you're going wrong.  :)



Thanks for that.


Alamy Live News also came back and advised to use the headline field in the origin tab under IPTC.

All part of the learning. I missed out this time on the Live News submission but at least I learnt something! :)



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