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Can I withdraw my pictures from stockimo?

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3 hours ago, DJ Myford said:

We are not allowed to talk about the S-word in this forum (see Alamy's "New rule" thread at the top of the main index: it contains the contact information you require.)

Thank you!

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3 hours ago, GS-Images said:



I don't see any images for sale on your portfolio, so you can delete them from the Image Manager as they don't appear to be on sale (maybe you haven't tagged them yet?).



(The rude one).


Stockimo images do not appear in image manager.  You have to do everythng through the app on your phone or tablet.



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If you want to close & delete, then the images can be deleted through the app only.

Or, why not leave them there?, you never know! I've had several hundred $s worth of sales on 800 ish images. 


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  • 3 weeks later...

As per their website:


If you really want to leave, email us at support@stockimo.com and we'll delete your account and remove your photos from Alamy and any other sales outlets. But remember: If you just delete the app from your phone and don't email us, your photos will stay on sale.



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