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Has anybody experienced this when the whole page goes pale blue and freezes?

It has happened a few times but it has happened twice today. Fine if every change has been saved this last one though #**% I was about to save changes and blued out.

The only option seems to close the tab, as clicking on anything else does not work, resulting in unsaved work lost !!!!:angry:

OK moan over back to work.

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Thanks Geoff just seems that AIM freezes and will not restart.


It is strange nothing else is affected, even the rest of Alamy is OK. I just close the AIM tab, go back to the dashboard and re-open AIM and off we go.


Anyway just thought I would share, it did improve my temper. So I am sure you are all relieved about that;).

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I am getting AIM freezes quite regularly, but had my first uploader freeze just now. I usually upload in even numbered batches, FTP when needed but for larger batches I still use the image uploader as it tended to be more reliable and less fiddly than FTP for me. Until today, when it crashed on image 57 out of 80. Needless to say that the image-OCD-maniac in me finds that hard to accept. 57 isn't a nice number. It's odd. It's ugly. They might well fail my upload based on it being an ugly number. Or worse. 


Checked my up/download speeds (fine), connection (ethernet, just in case) and closed any other tabs that were active. Sadly, my attempts to get it going again by pressing "upload more" (this had previously been my secret weapon in such cases) were fruitless. Waited (the not so secret weapon. Occasionally it spontaneously continues the upload. I like a bit of character in an uploader. No really, I do) Tried the Heimlich pic manoeuvre next, mouth-to-screen and various other forms of resuscitation...to no avail. Nix, rien, niente, nothing... the uploader clearly wanted an early weekend and decided 57 was enough for today. Which is a shame because the tail end of that upload contained some twenty or so images that are recent and alamy doesn't seem to have many of the subject (yet, likely to have changed by the weekend). Gna!


Ok, I'm done moaning and will be off to the pub. I suspect I may well bump into the uploader...


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Yes, it feels better to have a good moan. I find it relieves the stress on my relationship.

Turn the computer off, let it cool down, then speak very nicely to it and try again. Yes, alcohol in the intervening period can a lot I think. 

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Trevor, your word in the uploader's ears. :D 


Looking through the forum, another thread mentions a lot of images being stuck in QC since yesterday, so it was quite possibly a wider issue that may have also affected the uploader at some stage. Just a guess to calm my nerves, really. System overload, perhaps. Or uploader and qc queue tool decided to go to the pub together. Anyhoo...weekend waiting time.

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