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I don't seem to be selling any pictures? Can't find my own pics.

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I am very new to Alamy, meaning I joined three days ago.

I am very confused with it so far and I would appreciate some help.


I have already tagged the passed test submission photos and when I look at My dashboard, it says they are on sale. When I look at them in the Image Manager, it says that they are indeed on sale with only half discoverability, but everyone says not to worry about that.


I tried searching my own photo in the search engine, using my three supertags "girl" kissing" "butterfly"

I found only ten pictures with these tags, none of which was mine.


I then tried to look at my own profile and it says I have no pictures at all, but those three are supposd to be on sale.



I will be grateful for any responses.

Thank you very much.

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In the search girl kissing butterfly - eleven images appear - yours is the first. Probably you haven't waited until after the server update. 


Sales - get a few thousand more images  - with only three images it could take years before you will see any sale.


Edited: And work on your keywords - there is more to learn than you would imagine. Search the Alamy forum for posts about this by a Google search including the search words   ->  alamy forum  <-

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Read Alamy's instructions for contributors, and be more aware of you lighting techniques. It will be hard to sell badly lit photographs like the one below.




It takes time to sell, and patience, and learning. Just go with the flow, but absolutely, read all of Alamy's instructions. 

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You need to work on some of your captions. For instance, I don't see an old lady or a cupboard in HXKD77 captioned "Old lady's china cupboard."


If you are coming from microstock, don't confuse titles with captions. Alamy needs captions, which are longer and more descriptive than tiles -- i.e. captions describe exactly what is seen in the image.


Good luck.

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