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Download Own Images

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I have had a issue with a backup drive to the point it has died. This was my first backup for my Alamy uploaded images and as a result I don't have a backup of these only those recently on another purchased drive.


Does anyone know if alamy offer a service where I can download my uploaded images to archive again at home as a backup?



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This came up awhile ago as well, can't find the thread, but if you contact MS or CS or whatever they are called these days, they will let you know if it is possible.  Always store on at least 2 drives, so if one fails you have the backup.



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Alamy will have your 1500 images stored on a couple of servers as jpegs, likely level 8, so your collection isn't going to take up a whole lot of space. Pretty good chance if you ask Contributor Services nicely!  With external drives going at about £50 for a Terabyte I really can't understand why everybody doesn't have at least two external back-ups. One out in the shed or with a neighbour rotated at least once a month with the one you do several times a day treat yourself to a new spare every year or so. It's easy to sound wise after the fact, but we feel your pain.


Your dead drive is likely recoverable, it might well be that taking the drive out of the case and putting in another enclosure would work. There are really cheap cradle devices which will accept a bare drive and give you access. Something in the region of £25 should do it. They are a little slow.   Data recovery firms charge quite a lot but they reckon they are saving your life.

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Thanks all the drive is totally dead. It is a WD and I have had it checked by cyber crime for recovery but totally dead.  I save on two drive since but would be nice to have my images here too not just at Alamy. I will ask them nicely. It wouldn't take long as I have very fast fibre broadband to download.



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