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Hi, Im trying to upload my first 4 pictures and It seems to not work for me as my photos are smaller than 17MB. My problem is i dont know how to make them bigger, because there is no dimentions just the vague 17MB. So could someone help me with the dimentions and how to make my pictures bigger 



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It's easier to think in megapixels (MP), as the actual dimensions don't matter (in other words your image could be very long and narrow or it could be square). If you are using Lightroom, then you can easily see the MP size in the Library Module by setting megapixels as one of the view options (View-View Options). As long as you are at 6MP (18MB approx) or greater, then you wll be fine.

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Hi, Im trying to upload my first 4 pictures and It seems to not work for me as my photos are smaller than 17MB. My problem is i dont know how to make them bigger, because there is no dimensions just the vague 17MB. So could someone help me with the dimentions and how to make my pictures bigger 




Are you concerned about the size you see on your computer when you post-process or is the system rejecting your images because they're too small?

Is it possible you're downsizing the images when you save them?


Tell us what size or dimensions your photos are in whatever editing software you're using.

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