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No upload ability, no Flash Player visible?

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Hi all.. I just joined but can't seem to get past the upload page.  I tried to upload the latest flash player but keep getting the "upload flash to the latest version" button every time I go to that page.  I have an iMac, 16 GB  ram, system Yosemite 10.10.4 and Safari 8.0.7.  Cheers and thanks for any help!

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There are often people who have trouble with uploads, judging by this forum.  The problem seems usually to be something to do with Adobe Flash Player updates.  If you use Safari, make sure that you have the very latest version of Flash installed.  An alternative is to use Google Chrome browser.

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Also, if it is a new iMac, Flash it not installed by Apple.  If you want, or need, Flash, you need to install it yourself.


For the record, the only activity I need Flash for is Alamy uploads; for that, I use Chrome.




I use Chrome for MI as well, obviously.

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