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What happens on multiple batch submissions and QC issues

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I couldn't quite find this in the FAQs...


If I submit multiple batches a day and one of the photos in one of the batches gets stuck in QC, what happens to the other photos in other batches? Do they also get stuck pending on the QC-fail photo in the earlier batch?




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In general, every image in a multi-batch submission that is being examined by QC will be held up, if one image fails. As only a sample of images are chosen for QC inspection, you will only receive information about the faulty image that the inspector found. Again, because of inspectors only taking a sample of images, you must carefully re-examine every image in all your submissions again to be absolutely sure that there isn't another image that could fail. Getting into the 28-day (or more) penalty box is not pleasant...and being suspended from submitting at all for months for repeated fails...you don't want to go there!



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Thanks for the info. What is the 28-day penalty box and when does it kick in?


So after examining the images, what's a good strategy for someone who's starting new...should I start with smaller batches (like 4-5 photos per batch) and small number of batches a day (1-2)?



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Thanks for the info. What is the 28-day penalty box and when does it kick in?


So after examining the images, what's a good strategy for someone who's starting new...should I start with smaller batches (like 4-5 photos per batch) and small number of batches a day (1-2)?




As long as you're happy with the pix, after giving them a long, hard look at 100%, it really doesn't matter how big - or small - your uploads are.

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Thanks for the info. What is the 28-day penalty box and when does it kick in?


So after examining the images, what's a good strategy for someone who's starting new...should I start with smaller batches (like 4-5 photos per batch) and small number of batches a day (1-2)?



If you have had repeated fails (no specified number), Alamy QC will just put your submissions in the really slow queue and take 28 or more days to check a sample of your images. Just check and recheck your images really well, and if you are really satisfied that you have images that will pass QC, send in as many as you want at a time - I have made submissions of up to 100 at a time...then put up with all the keywording... :blink:



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should I start with smaller batches (like 4-5 photos per batch) and small number of batches a day (1-2)?




My understanding is that if one batch fails then so too do all the others. I tend to wait for one batch to pass before submitting the next.



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