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I am new to Alamy and stock photos altogether. I have in the past week up loaded 10  to total photos all past QC. I got over the tagging key words etc... in  a couple tries so that my photos come up when I search them.


I have how ever not been 100% clear on the whether these images should be rights managed or royalty free. After further learning I feel most of my images should have been royalty free, unfortunately I cant seem to change this, even though non of my photos have sold. I would like to change this to maximize  the potential to sell my images but how can I do this?


Also how would this effect my account if I submit similar future images with a royalty free license?

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You would need property releases for the tug and the temple for RF, and you can't get licence details of RF licences for a DACS submission unless you happen to track down the use yourself.

My DACS royalty was over 10% of my sales last year.

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My feeling is that there now isn't really enough difference between RM and RF licenses on Alamy to warrant marking images as RF.


For awhile, I was offering some images as RF. None of them has ever leased, and I've gone back to using RM 99.9% of the time. I also don't have releases.

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