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Stockimo- storing your images after upload

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Mine are backed up to iCloud anyway, and once every week or so, I use Aperture to download to the computer.


I'm sure there are other methods, but for me, my Stockimo images aren't all that precious, really. I wonder if we'll be bothering in 2 or 3 years.

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I transfer the images to creative cloud.  Then from there, I import them into Adobe Lightroom where I permanently keyword and caption them and then archive them with the rest of my stock images.


I use a file numbering system for each license type


RF000001 - Royalty Free Images

RM000001 - Rights Managed Images

MP000001 - Mobile Phone Images


This allows me to continue worflow as usual (archival, copyright, etc.)

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I currently have my phone set to back up to both iCloud and 'Camera Upload' in Dropbox when photos are taken, but every week or so, I connect my phone to my computer and import to Lightroom and treat as any other image.  I know this isn't very efficient, but I figure it gives me some "certainty" of a cloud back up at the time, and then import later and clear my phone when it gets full.  One of my frustrations with Lightroom is it doesn't seem to do a very good job of weeding out duplicates as between hard wired import and dropbox/iCloud, if that makes sense.  So I was winding up with multiples copies of mobile photos if try importing from both the cloud and direct connection with phone.  I prefer relying on the direct connection of the phone to the computer for Lightroom because I only allow iCloud / Dropbox to upload on wifi and can't always be certain that all images are backed up to the Cloud.

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Thanks everyone, I really must get my head around this whole cloud business! ;) but think I will go along the route of straight to my pc from the memory card. The reason I had asked, is that I could of sworn I read someone saying they did not bother to save them! I thought it was just me being crazy saving, I shall carry on. Thank you for your imput. Happy Christmas

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