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Greetings & Alamy scheduling

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Greetings, I am a new Alamy member.


I have a question or two regarding uploading & scheduling. My first upload of 4 images has passed QC & I have added keywords etc. I have uploaded a second small batch which is awaiting QC.


Is there a limit on how many submissions per account can get through QC per day/week?


Once approved through QC, how long before they are available for sale & can be searched in the database?

(My first batch shows as available for sale in "My Alamy", but is not yet in the database)


When editing keywords to an already keyworded image, how does this affect the image availability for sale?


Thank you.





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Welcome to Alamy. To answer your questions:


1. I don't think there's a limit as such, but you need to be aware that if you have multiple submissions waiting for QC at the same time, if one fails they all automatically fail. The best policy is to upload one submission at a time, containing a batch whose size you're comfortable with (for example I usually upload 30-40 per submission as I find it easier to manage that number when it comes to keywording). Once a submission has passed QC then it's safe to upload another.


2. The database is normally updated overnight (UK time) so any images that become ready on any one day should be on sale the next morning. Occasionally there are glitches in the system and the update takes a bit longer.


3. The image continues to be on sale but any changes you make will not be visible to buyers until the next morning's update.



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Welcome to Alamy. Your fish image is an excellent example of motion blur. The eye is perfectly sharp. There has been discussion here about whether images with some motion blur will pass QC. Yours is a beautiful example and a beautiful image.



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Thank you Paulette, it is very kind of you to mention that.


The fish is one of my own Discus, she is called "Marmalade". I was using her for some practise & the image was the 9th photo taken on my new camera. I have recently got inspired again after a break from photography for over 30 years. The quite low lighting in the tank & my wish not to use flash (Discus are startled easily), meant that I had quite a wide aperture. With also a high ISO, I had little choice. The Discus will constantly move their pectoral fins to maintain position & I feel that the motion blur worked nicely & I was happy not to stress the fish with flash. regarding QC, I was concerned about a few air bubbles in the water which looked like dust, but I'm happy that the shot squeezed through.


I've been looking at some of your wonderful wildlife shots, the otter in particular looks excellent & I expect that you can retire on the earnings from the "cuddling" bears! :)



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