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Zooming in an a Photo


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How does a customer Zoom in on a photo that would give me feedback on my Zoom rating?  When I look at the "For Buyers" section of Alamy and pick a photo I do not see a Zoom button.

Thanks for your help in answering this question!



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Unless something's changed, person clicks on thumbnail to zoom.


I'm under impression that zooms by only Certain registered buyers count in CTR.

- Ann

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I has a friend do click on my images and it did not show up in my zooms but he was not a member and so not logged in.  Could it be that only logged in members that zoom in on a image will show up as a zoom?


Could someone that is that is a member and logged in click on one of my images so I can see if it shows up on my Zoom count?  Thanks.




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Zooms are only logged from registered buyers.



And the lucky ones have a mate working for them :huh:



It would be easy to have a red flag go up in the system when there is an excessive amount of zooms vs sales. (Maybe there even is such a flag now.)

As far as I can tell a healthy zooms vs sales rat is very low. People that have reported the highest sales here, usually report remarkably low zoom numbers.

3:1 or 2:1 is not uncommon. (Mine is 1:3.5)

Oh and we have ferreted out a couple of those own-zoom-generators here on the forum. One image that has had 500 zooms? Come on who are you fooling? That one was easy. There have been other more intelligent schemes too. Pity the old board went offline.



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