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I’m not a lawyer. My father was — a defense attorney, a prosecutor, and then for 30 years a US Congressman. So I grew up surrounded by the law. Besides my own country, I’ve lived in several other nations that support a democratic rule of law. I hold both a US and a European Union passport.


Only at Alamy have I encountered a complete reversal of normal democratic procedures. Here we begin by being tossed into jail without a charge, without a word, without so much as a hint of what we’re being punished for. And then after a month we’re told what crime it was we committed. No disagreement allowed, of course. And what difference would it make anyway? We’ve already served the punishment! 


It’s unfair, it’s draconian, it’s untoward, it’s ridiculous, it’s unhelpful to all concerned, it’s spiteful, it’s unreasonable, it’s inconsistent with any acceptable rule of business, it’s uncivilized, and this practice serves no useful purpose whatsoever. 


Just fail the images! Fail as many images as don’t meet the standards. Fail them permanently, if you like. But cut out this public school spanking nonsense. 


Most sincerely yours, Ed Rooney


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Don't think we need another thread on the fail process for QC. 


We appreciate it can be frustrating but please try to remember the key points:


- This only affects around 4% of contributors

- We approve more images than any other library

- This process allows us to speed up the approval process (meaning pass times can be close to 24 hours). Failing immediately or checking each image would push pass times up for the remaining 96%.



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