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Stockimo Images--Accepted vs Not Accepted, and APPs that work best

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I think a lot of us are still trying to get a handle on what will and won't be accepted for Stockimo, and which Apps will give us the best results.  I learn by example so I thought a discussion of actual images and how they are modified might be helpful.  If you are willing to share, please show us your successes and failures, both can be instructive, and what apps you used to modify the successful images (you don't have to say exactly which filters you used if you don't want to, just the App).


I'll start off with one of my images that was first rejected, and after cropping it square and boosting the contrast and saturation with the Adobe Photoshop App it was accepted and scored 3.0.null.gifI tried posting the "before" image to both my Zenfolio portfolio and to Facebook but the image wouldn't drag in.  The best I could do is a link.  As you can see the difference between passing and failing isn't that much.




Here's the edited image from Adobe Photoshop App

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Thank you Maria, I've only uploaded a dozen images so this was the only one I could share that shows how small the difference between accepted and not accepted can be. I was hoping others could share some of their failed, reprocessed and accepted images to give all of us a better visual grasp of Stockimo's acceptance criteria.


I would also enjoy seeing which apps people use and the results they are producing.

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