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Editing on a Laptop?

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I use only macbook air 11" this is only computer I have - editing, keywording etc everything on macbook air. I'm photojuornalist and I don't have time to go home and use any desktop computer. I work all day on the field and I have to send pictures ASAP - for egz. football, or basketball game - first 5 pictures during the 10 minutes from the begining. Last picture - 20 minutes after the game. Press conference - first 3 pictures during the firs 10 minutes . In other way I will not sell any picture, so the small, fast laptop is my main and in fact only one computer.

Very often I use also tablet Samsung galaxy tab 2 - to choose, type iptc and send to agency.





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Again - for me - post processing images on a laptop is a BIG NONO!




I cant agree better but, as you said earlier:


".... with the falling prices - customers can't expect topnotch quality if they pay peanuts for our work. So, why bother unless you produce a lot of fine art prints   :unsure:"

and repeated later:

"..... (the current payments don't justify the extra time  :mellow: )"


And I would like to quote an antic script  from one of run-stones in Sweden. It reads:

"If they paid me better, I would have written better"  

​Well, nothing new, the history still revolves :)

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Again - for me - post processing images on a laptop is a BIG NONO!




I cant agree better but, as you said earlier:


".... with the falling prices - customers can't expect topnotch quality if they pay peanuts for our work. So, why bother unless you produce a lot of fine art prints   :unsure:"

and repeated later:

"..... (the current payments don't justify the extra time  :mellow: )"


And I would like to quote an antic script  from one of run-stones in Sweden. It reads:

"If they paid me better, I would have written better"  

​Well, nothing new, the history still revolves :)



Totally agree which is why I continue to look for other channels using a more extensive set of skills (words & pictures for example) to distinguish myself from the herd.

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If you cant work on a laptop its got nothing to do with the laptop. If you are looking at a wrong angle at a laptop screen it user error. Not the laptops fault. I am sure a big fixed calibrated monitor is easier/better. But blaming a laptop for poor results is silly imo. I have seen portfolios of seasoned lifelong pro shooters working on desktops and fixed monitors and the results are to cry about. Horrible. Its all about how you as a user, use the technology at hand. People can type caps lock, bolded or red text, but that doesnt mean that you are right about laptops. 

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BUT, on the other hand - with the falling prices - customers can't expect topnotch quality if they pay peanuts for our work


I have thought along the same lines,  like many of us over the years  have invested in top end gear at a cost of approx  25,000 euros,  to be fair not just for stock shooting, never the less with falling fees it is hard to justify investing so much money.


Back to the thread in hand,   last year while travelling i edited  over a thousand images on my 17"  laptop and to my surprise i had no problems in having my work accepted with Alamy and others, however i still prefer my desktop and  the large screen.



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Phillipe , I have a desk job, with a desktop, 8 hours, 5 days a week, but I never ever sit in the same position for 8 hours. Nobody does. So with a fixed monitor you will also look at different angles. And no I dont sit in the same position behind my laptop all the time, but when I move around in my couch, I do adjust the screen so that its adjusted for my position. It really easy to see when the display is in the wrong angle. Each to his own, but you cant say people are stupid for working on a laptop, no matter what new word you use to call them stupid. Its up to the user to use the correct settings on the tools available. 

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