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HI, I have just joined.

I see that photos submitted need to be 17MB.

I have 3 cameras.

1. Fuji APSC seems to upload about 13.5MB

2. Fuji Medium Format seems to upload about 14MB for Jpegs

3. Sony A7R2 , with 42mp, seems to upload about 21-25 MB

How strict are the guidelines that photos need to be at least 17MB?

Thanks, Graeme

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The 17mb is the image open size, not the physical file size as you have likely quoted. As an example I've just uploaded a batch of jpeg images 4000 pixels on the longest length with a physical file size varying from 7.6 to 10.5mb, but the all important open file size in photoshop is 30.6mb. Generally from my Nikons an image file around 3000 x 2000 pixels would open to 17.2mb, just within Alamy's minimum for stock images. Welcome to Alamy.

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  • File size of over 17MB (when uncompressed/open)
    Your JPEG file is likely to have a compressed size of 3-5MB. Opening a JPEG in an image program such as Adobe Photoshop will show you the uncompressed/open file size.
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