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Processing Errors - LIve News

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I am experiencing a number of Processing Errors, with submission to the Live News feed. I had one today (10 minutes ago) and another in the early hours of this morning, both the same set of images, via AIM, on my desktop – it has never failed previously in several years. I have also had some when using a mobile app in the last month.

I'm using (as always) the IPTC "Headline" and "Caption" metadata fields with the "Alamy Plus" metadata set in Lighroom, on the desktop. For the mobile uploads the Lightroom apps does not have the "headline" field and I used the "title" one, which I understand works. Any suggestions as to why this is happening, are welcome.

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Processing error can also mean the file itself. A recurring one is JPG set to something other than Baseline (standard) in Photoshop or any other program. Both Baseline Optimized and Progressive give errors. But sometimes the first one slips through somehow.

Photoshop and I assume LR remembers it's last setting.



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