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Newsworthy event to help elephants...


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I hope it is appropriate to post this. There have been questions about whether Alamy can let us know about events we might be able to cover. As you have probably noticed, I love animals. I foster an orphaned elephant through the David Sheldrick Elephant Trust. There is an organization called iWorry that is trying to do something about all the poaching of elephants for their ivory. There will be a march on Friday October 4 in fifteen cities including London, New York City, Washington DC, Munich, Ediburgh and Toronto. Here is the website where you can get information and register to march. I assume they will be happy to have as much publicity as possible.





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Thank you for posting about the march, Paulette!

I know a local animal welfare advocacy group here on Long Island, and I'm going to pass it on to them on off chance they don't know about the NYC march.

- Ann

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