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FUJI X100s - RAW & JPEG set up in the menu

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I have a Fuji X100s.

A couple of days ago, For the first time I set it up for RAW+JPG so that I get a RAW and a JPEG image.  Then I shot a few frames and I downloaded the images in Lightroom 6.

When they are downloaded, the file name is shown as, for example, _DFS5531.RAF+JPEG and a JPEG version of image is nowhere to be seen.

Where is the JPEG?  Is it embedded within the RAW file?  If so how do I retrieve it?

When I do the same with my Nikon and Sony, when downloaded, RAW files and JPEGs are next to each other.

Please help me.


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I just did this.


Right click > Show in Finder  and now I can see all the JPEGs are sitting in a folder, next to RAWs but for some reason they were not imported together.  Strange.


At least I found the hidden JPEGs now.  I will have to import them again.


Thank you, Julie.


By the way, your blog about FUJI 200mm was a interesting read.



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Back to square one.


  • I tried to re-import the JPEGs, so I chose the relevant folder in 'Select the source' in Lightroom, but JPEGs were not shown.
  • Then I tried to Synchronise the folder, still nothing happens.

Please help.





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15 minutes ago, NYCat said:

Look in preferences. I don't have time to search right now but there is a place where you can tell Lightroom whether to show the raw and jpeg side by side.





The problem solved, Paulette.

Many thanks


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