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Martin L

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  • Joined Alamy
    23 Jan 2020

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  1. I wasted far more time in my brief dalliance with Shutterstock, having to resubmit images to a human that their AI machine rejected because it didn't really understand rain wasn't noise etc (maybe it's better, it was a few years ago) Alamy is a different (to me a preferable) beast. I feel a little more trusted in what I submit, follow the QC rules, understand that in general product quality control, if one fails, the whole batch does and you'll get used to it
  2. Biggest shock I had was watching a TV show on a French street artist and nearly choked on my fish and chips when one of my pics flashed up. It hadn't been reported as a sale yet so was totally unexpected
  3. Might help By the way I'm not associated with the company linked and is Windows centric so if you use a Mac ignore πŸ‘
  4. Do what I do and don't sell lots, makes it easier πŸ˜πŸ‘
  5. Hi Louise, some from me 2WRX00Y 2TB7XRJ 2RA371M 2RA36XD 2R3XF7H 2R3XF7E 2PHGHRT 2PFFTKW 2K820E1 2JPCKBY 2JPCKFA 2JHME0Y 2JHMDXG 2FNNXYR 2BJ09N4 Ta
  6. By the way the book i use is only Britain and Europe, so might not be great for a resident of the land of the maple leaf
  7. Can take 3 months, if does not appear then start shouting
  8. It would be interesting to know if anybody has licensed these types of images recently as there are thousands available for free.
  9. Google lens is a good start but funghi id can get pretty tricky as some can be identified by spore shape and size only. My tip is know the general id criteria and check these out in the field when you are with the actual specimen, a photo is not generally enough. I have the Collins Mushroom and Toadstool Guide by Gardweidner which is pretty good and pocket size Good luck
  10. If you are in gold then it is probably a distributor sale. They take their cut and then you get 60% of what's left
  11. https://discussion.alamy.com/topic/17912-delay-in-search-engine-update-16th-august-18th-august-2024/
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