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    Stockport, UK


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  • Joined Alamy
    22 Jan 2003

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  1. I sometimes report my sales to my Academy Members that's the reason for the post - I then talk a little about creating the image. I've just release the 'security' on that post so you can see it - it won't help much with finding out about the licence. The only thing I can say is that the sale I got this week with the same licence info was for the same image!
  2. Now here's a strange thing! 23 December 2020 - over two years since this thread was started. I have just had a sale with this licence and I was just googling to find out who "E-Feat Film Prodn Co" company might be and I found this thread - what a strange world - I don't even remember having had a sale with that licence before and I don't remember posting about it on my website either.
  3. Geoff - good to see you are still around here! All - Interesting that the consensus is that NU is a thing of the past. The option to opt in is still there on the "Additional Revenue Options" panel.
  4. I used to be very active on the (old) Alamy forums and back in 2008 we had many discussions about "Novel Use". At the time and the way the markets were going I decided it wasn't for me. Stock photography is not such a significant part of my photography business these days and so it is time to revisit options. What is the current thinking on "Novel Use" - I notice that 70% of contributors have signed up to it? Do you see any significant benefit from doing so? The 30% who have opted out - why have you remained out of the scheme? For me, back in 2008, I felt that "Novel Use" undermined the value of the images and the work involved in creating them. Today, my stock imagery is something I create "on the back" of other things so any income from it is a bonus so I am wondering about opting in. So what's the general feeling about Novel Use these days? Ian.
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