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    29 Apr 2009

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  1. It doesn't matter what licence the images are being offered under - editorial or otherwise, RF or RM. The contibutor is still breaking the contract unless they have had permission from the Natural History Museum to sell images taken there which is most unlikely. Whether this would be upheld in law ior whether it would ever come to that in the first place is an entirely different issue but as things stand the onus is on the contributor. Saying that there are 1 million images from other contibutors would hold no weight if it did become an issue.
  2. This is all very simple. Clause 4.1.15 of the Contributor Contract states that you warrant that the Content was not taken in any place where photography for commercial gain is forbidden, e.g. some museums, art galleries ....... There is no debate. If you upload images taken in a place where photography for commercial gain is forbidden, you are in breach of the contract and Alamy is indemnified. If a legal problem follows, it's all on the contributor. I think it has always been like this but it has been made very explcit in recent versions of the contract. Is that risk worth it for the likely tiny fee for editorial images? Not to me. The link Harry posted is about copyright, not about taking pictures in museums or places where photography for commercial gain is forbidden. This is a different issue.
  3. I just noticed what seems to be a new paragraph in Alamy's Guidelines for submitting images to Alamy I don't know how long it has been there but I suspect not too long unless it has been discussed elsewhere on the forum and I missed it. There is now a section called Mobile at the end which says: Currently you can’t upload mobile phone images to the Alamy Platform but we’ll be opening up this route for upload soon. Maybe Dionis doesn't need to buy a camera after all. I would still recommend a real camera but if money is very tight a mobile might be ok.
  4. This is not from Alamy. Jeff said from another place speculating that Alamy could join in. I really doubt that.
  5. Is this about generative AI or plain old AI? Adobe Denoise is not generative AI in any case. Plain old non-AI noise reduction will reduce detail (e.g. smooth skin) and is generally much worse than Denoise, which is good at recognising the main subject and not going over the top with noise reduction. It also automatically applies some skilful sharpening to the main subject. The key is to use all noise reduction judiciously and Denoise is very good at judging that. If overdone, it will definitely adversely affect skin making it look like plastic (as does non-AI noise reduction).
  6. Retouching definition please? Noise reduction is not retouching by any stretch of any definition. Nor is sharpening. What does recolor even mean for a raw image where you can choose what white balance you use in the first place? It only has the colour you decide to give it. Even if it made sense, it is completely unenforceable in any case unless you have to provide raw images as well. I don't think it is time to panic just yet given that Alamy don't QC for content anyway.
  7. And for anyone considering covering riots for news and stock, your business photography insurance (if you have any) will most likely not cover replacing your equipment if it gets stolen or damaged. Civil unrest is usually excluded.
  8. Arresting photographers and journalists at protests is nothing new and it has got nothing with this ridiculous idea of two tier policing that seems to have taken hold as a meme lately. Are rational people really buying into this? Sad. I wouldn't blame Sir Mark Rowley for getting irritated if that is what happened just having to address such a notion. Just look at the number of police officers who have been injured having to deal with the incredible violence in the recent riots. The police force is depleted enough without having to divert vast numbers of officers to these insane riots and put their lives on the line protecting innocent people. I think anyone will act differently when confronted with violence like this. The police are not biased toward leftie protesters. How silly. And neither is the law. Some of these so-called lefties have been given very hefty prison sentences recently. And for what it's worth, personally I think Just Stop Oil and Extinction Rebellion protests are ridiculous and completely ineffective but they don't physically attack the police or photographers. They want publicity. I absolutely abhor the stuff they have done but they don't attack people. Of course the police will deal differently with that than when confronted by violent thugs who are intending to cause serious injury or worse. Here are three links relating to events where photographers at so-called leftie protests were arrested and/or had their gear confiscated in the last few years with interesting outcomes. https://www.independent.co.uk/climate-change/news/just-stop-oil-m25-tom-bowles-b2222021.html https://www.theguardian.com/uk-news/2022/dec/21/hertfordshire-police-admit-unlawfully-arresting-journalist-at-just-stop-oil-protest https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-surrey-68305671 And then there are numerous reports of the terror inflicted on photographers and journalists covering the recent riots. https://www.theguardian.com/media/article/2024/aug/06/journalists-union-calls-for-action-over-increased-violence-against-news-gatherers#:~:text=One seasoned national news photographer,camera%2C give it here.' Anyone wth any sense would just stay away unless being employed to cover the riots.
  9. You obviously didn't read enough of the thread. His budget is $200 for camera and lens. He has never used a real interchangeable lens camera. Old is relative but 6MP is ancient by today's standard and would give no room whatsoever for cropping. Buying an old heavily used pro camera a good idea - really? One that has been through the wars and a huge shutter count - really? Almost all those cameras you mention are out of budget anyway. I'm trying to help the guy practically, not make unfeasible suggestions.
  10. Enjoy the trip Dionis - both to Tbilisi and the rest of your photography journey. I had a quick look at your YouTube channel and you definitely have an eye for a picture - some of the flower stills and the shots of the pup are great. I hope you manage to get yourself a decent camera in good condition. By the way, forget the camera that Chuck mentioned. It is old and is only 6MP which is just barely enough to pass Alamy QC. Chuck is an expert photographer and I'm betting that he took that picture he sold a long time ago.
  11. I would definitely not buy a lens with fungus. It might spread to the sensor for one thing and would probably ruin image quality. So far I have never had a lens with fungus thankfully. Georgia has a continental climate, very hot and dry in summer and very cold in winter so hopefully fungus will not be a problem. It is going to be very difficult for Dionis to test a camera with no experience so he will have to trust the seller and rely on a warranty if there is an issue. It's about 150km from Borjoni to Tbilisi so getting it in person would be wise if possible. It's me who has experience with the D3300 and D3400 as I bought them for my son (for his 18th birthday in 2015) and wife. They are consumer cameras although I recall Phil Robinson saying that he used to have D33nn series cameras that he used for news photography. I think they are great entry level cameras and would still suggest Nikon if the copy he has found is good.
  12. I've not had any problems with any of that. Maybe you are harder on your cameras than me.
  13. The thought had crossed my mind. I'm afraid I no longer have any DSLRs. Last one in the house went last year as part of a trade-in. In addition I was just looking at the cost of DPD to Georgia and it is over £80. There might be cheaper couriers but then there is the red tape - customs stuff etc would need to be completed. Not sure how that would work.
  14. Yes there was a suitable one in Cornwall from a private seller who is highly rated and seems to ship all over the world but didn't include Georgia for some reason. Maybe there is an extra issue involved to do with customs or something of that nature.
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