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  1. Alamy's post in Why do all submissions fail, if only one fails? was marked as the answer   
    Hi Tom, 
    Please look at the thread here:
  2. Alamy's post in Image(s) have become corrupt on our database and no longer available was marked as the answer   
    Hi APC, 
    We've had to contact a small number of contributors to let them know that due to a technical problem, a very small number of images (or just a single image in many cases) had technical problems during upload which has meant we don't have the hi-res version on file. This wasn't picked up upon at the time, but we've identified all images affected now and contacted all contributors involved. In these cases, if you wish to keep the image(s) available for sale, you'll need to reupload them. Apologies for the hassle.
  3. Alamy's post in Cleared balance not as it should be?????? was marked as the answer   
    This is nothing to do with future plans - it's quite the opposite.
    When moving over to a new internal system, some older dormant code was mistakenly reinstated (many, many years ago we had some commission models with storage fees). 
    This was quickly spotted, fixed and any fees were refunded. In total this affected no more than 160 contributors. 
    Apologies to any of you who were left confused by this. 
    James A
    Head of Content
  4. Alamy's post in New Contract? What is this about? was marked as the answer   
  5. Alamy's post in Stockimo upload times was marked as the answer   
    For all questions related to Stockimo, please email the team at support@stockimo.com
    Many thanks
  6. Alamy's post in Short link to a specific photo was marked as the answer   
    In case this is not common knowledge, you can always just do http://www.alamy.com/<INSERT IMAGE REF>
  7. Alamy's post in Exclusive photos and writing a travel article was marked as the answer   
    Hi Aurore, 
    Just to confirm, images marked as exclusive on Alamy can still be licenced through your own website. 
    All the best,
  8. Alamy's post in Alamy website was marked as the answer   
    Hi Awp,
    There was a major power outage in London yesterday which affected all areas of our website. Out IT team has been working through the night to fix this. Whilst our website is now back up and running, there are still some areas of the site that are not back to full recovery. We will keep you all updated on the issue. 
  9. Alamy's post in %100 Commission Problem was marked as the answer   
    Hi there,
    We did respond to your email on this back on the 23rd of June, we hope you got this?
    The 100% commission only applies to direct Alamy sales. Looking at these, they appear to have come from our Distribution network which involves third party sellers; this is why the commission split is different.
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