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Shuttersnitch Add-ons... worth getting?

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Maybe a bit of a niche question... Shuttersnitch appears to have a couple of add-ons that you can pay for... one allows basic editing of images and another adds enhanced metadata editing.


Has anyone splashed the cash and bought them? If so, are they worth getting?

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Good to know that they are useful! Sorry to hear about your trials with iOS 11. If you do write a dedicated article on Shuttersnitch, I will definitely read that. Only thing I would say with your current blog is that the screenshots are a little small to read/see detail properly!


I use Shuttersnitch for the occasional soft news (weather mainly) shot. I transfer using WiFi from my RX100. Currently if I need to make small adjustments to images, I will do it in Snapseed or Camera+. My biggest issue with Shuttersnitch is that I find writing(updating) the caption and headline in the metadata a bit fiddly /convoluted hence the metadata add-on is of interest to me.

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