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Hello Forum!


I have been a member with Alamy for a while now, I’ve made a few decent sales along the way. 


This year I want to up my game and get serious with Alamy.


I’m planning on setting goals for each week. Setting subjects I want to cover and a rough number of images to get online over that week.


My question is how do you plan your shoots?


many thanks



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Good luck to you, Karl.


A few suggestions: I see you have a least one special access subject. That's great!  Put more information in your captions. And repeat that info in your tags. Resist the urge to submit lots of similars--we don't need all those birds. So edit tighter. Instead of aiming at a number I make a point of submitting weekly. Stock is a long game. It can take awhile before it starts to pay off. 



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1. Study the market that you want to supply to : market size, type of shots that that market uses, suppliers (ie competition), gaps, best sellers.

1a. Better yet, pick up a market NICHE and specialize. That allows for a more focused market study so that you can actually reach grounded conclusion (ie the opposite of "everything sales" strategy) that will drive the next step:


2. Produce images for that market.


3. Analyze your own sales statistics and adjust what and how you shoot.



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12 hours ago, Karl Denham said:


My question is how do you plan your shoots?



As for what subjects to shoot I would recommend that you document your hobbies, passions and access. Hobbies are various from sports to collecting nick knacks but as an hobbyist you have specialized knowledge about the subject. Passion is what gets you up in the early morning or keeps up late at night to capture/make your vision into an image. Access to people and locations that would make interesting subjects. Who do you know? teacher, nurse, police, garbage men, postal worker, brewer... Who do they know? Could you talk your way behind the scenes? It's amazing where I have been able to talk my self into. 


Once you are photographing the location/subject really WORK the images. Walk around the area, try as many different angels as posable, shoot an over all, medium and close ups. Shoot horizontal and vertical really WORK the image. Also it's best if you can revisit the location/subject at various times of day.


Hope this helps,


David L. Moore

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