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During a random check on the web, I found out that an online Italian travel magazine, 'Viaggi 24' (www.ilsole24ore.com),
had published since January 25, 2012, this photo report on Valle d'Aosta, featuring 27 photos (all but two Alamy), including
2 my photos, the use of which have not been paid.

Here's the link to the article:




Here's the link to the photo gallery
(my photos are 15/27 and 27/27):




The other Alamy contributors that published pictures in this article on Viaggi 24 are:


Tibor Bognar

Valentina Anselmet


David ketih JOnes

Giuseppe Sciamanna


Stefano Politi Markovina


I wrote an email to Alamy Contributor Relations and they replied that they've heard back from their distribution team who've advised the distributor will include these images in their December 2017 sales report which will be received and billed by our team in January 2018.

I answered in turn that I'll see what I can get from this sale, considering that I will be credited with six years late.

Has this ever happened to other contributors?






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I used to distribute through Grazia Neri and they were terrific, but went to the wall over five years ago. I got the impression that the whole Italian magazine and book publishing industry was in poor shape. I had some dreadful propositions and decided to stay clear. Pity, but I had a good run for ten or fifteen years

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I wonder if the Distributor forgot to bill their client?


I think not.


Happens far too often, for me, and it's why I'm opting out of Distribution in April.


It should be Watermarked Images only, and added to that month's sales, at the point they download high res unwatermarked images. To open to abuse as it stands.


I've had to spend hours finding, reporting and chasing up unreported distributor sales recently, to get a fraction of what they should have paid at the time of use (often years).

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