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On the day that Mick Deane died.......

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On the day that Mick Deane died I would recommend any  Alamy wannabe 'Press Photographer' to cast a glance over the images from the Getty photographers in Cairo and to ask themselves whether this is really the life that they want. 


I'm currently questioning whether I should be worked up about the various issues which keep cropping up in the Alamy Forum - and then I remind myself that I'm no longer in the world of hard news coverage - and that the last few pictures that I took were of butterflies in my garden.


So there it is folks, the worlds of imagery that occupied my working life  have drifted quietly off into a few bob earned to supplement my pension, and bantering with you - mostly (and with a few very notable exceptions) people who have drifted into the world of 'stock photography' with hopes of golden recognition of your photographic skills and more hopes of cashing in on your hobby.


Stock ain't news photography, and men like Mick were thin on the ground, he was a 100% professional image maker even though his pictures were always moving - in every sense of the word.  Perhaps we should all take a moment to check whether our priorities are in the right places - I know that I am........


Wish you all well.


P.S. I know that this Forum is for asking questions not personal statements - I beg tolerance - the old fool's obviously losing it - again !

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So dreadful the danger that journalists are in these days. It seems so much worse now. I know I haven't the heart for doing photojournalism for many reasons. I am taking the trips I love  because I survived cancer and it became clear that I'd better try to do what I dreamed about and do it while I have my health. Those of us who live in safe and free places are very lucky.



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Couldn't agree more David. Submitting weather pictures to Alamy news suddenly feels very ordinary even in a force 10 hurricane. 


I have a friend in Cairo who updates everyone on the troubles over there and he's 20 mins walk from the trouble. They are on curfew most of the day and it sounds awful. To be a photojournalist in that environment is nothing short of pure bravery, that some of us newbies wouldn't understand. I also listened to a report on a Polish photographer (Marcin Suder) who was kidnapped in Syria and they taunted him with mock executions everyday. 


Reminds me a little too of photographs from WW2 and in your history lessons you get to see these pictures, but never give any thought to how they were taken, until you are in this world yourself. These people should be commended for their efforts. 


I might not be brave enough to go to war zones to get shots, but if there was a riot, or trouble in Scotland, I'd probably be daft enough to be there documenting it. 

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