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Alamy QC software

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Greetings all :) 


I have never done anything like this before but thought it might be an interesting venture!


So I was just wondering if Alamy's quality control is performed by software or by an actual person? I lean towards assuming the former due to the large volume of images submitted. 


If our images are processed through software, is there any way I could get ahold of it? I would love to see the stats on my images, and to use it to help me pick the sharpest one. I'm currently looking at file sizes and the actual pixel sharpness but I would love to see what Alamy can with this software. 


If I can't get the software they use, does anyone know of an alternative that performs a similar function? 


I'm a computer science student so I find this kind of software very interesting! 


Thanks :) 



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It's done by people, not software. They cope with the large numbers by doing what most effective quality control systems do: they check a small sample from each submission. If one fails, they all fail, just as a batch of tomatoes submitted to Tesco would do.



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It's done by people, not software. They cope with the large numbers by doing what most effective quality control systems do: they check a small sample from each submission. If one fails, they all fail, just as a batch of tomatoes submitted to Tesco would do.





Have you seen the state of tomatoes at Tesco recently? ;)



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