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Best work flow for Focus Stacking (LR/PS), working with RAW

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I take miniature photos using PREISER (train hobbyist) figures so my DOF is very shallow. I discovered focus stacking (so excited!). I am wondering what is the best workflow since I usually take in RAW, work on the photo in Lightroom and then export as JPG. Should I edit all the photos in LR first and then export them as JPGs into PS, or do the Focus Stacking in PS first and edit the final photo in LR? I only combine two or three photos for the Focus stacking. Thanks. 

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I'd convert RAW to 16 bit TIFF in LR first, using LR to make identical corrections to white balance, contrast, levels and noise (but not sharpness) to each image in the stack. Then use a stacking tool that supports 16 bit TIFF to produce a single image that can then be edited to remove any stacking faults etc. and saved as an 8 bit jpeg for Alamy.

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You can simply open the images for editing in Photoshop from LR (preferably as 16 bit - file format is irrelevant), then use the Load Files into Stack script, then Auto-Align Layers, then Auto-Blend Layers and that's it. You have a 16-Bit image which you can work on or simply flatten and save as whatever file format you want.You need PSCS4 or later.


Here is a great tutorial: http://petapixel.com/2014/09/07/tutorial-easily-focus-stack-using-photoshop-feature-probably-didnt-know/

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I do the same as MDM, apart from I open as layers so I'm unsure what the stack script is and how it differs?



I just got that directly from the tutorial - it's simply how to do with files already open in Photoshop. In fact I've not used focus stacking much but intend to experiment when I get a bit of time. From LR it would be best to use the Open as Layers in Photoshop.

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