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Link to each single story I upload so I can promote on social media

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Hi I am a first time contributor with Alamy and last night uploaded a story. I wondered how I can get a link to my story to promote it on social media with a link something like this: www.alamy.com/new/0000000/justice-for-sarah-reed-protest-london


The 000000 in this example is the media ref number to the story

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Hi I am a first time contributor with Alamy and last night uploaded a story. I wondered how I can get a link to my story to promote it on social media with a link something like this: www.alamy.com/new/0000000/justice-for-sarah-reed-protest-london


The 000000 in this example is the media ref number to the story



I can see there is an upload of news images at Alamy News about Sarah Reed. Images here are called news images at Alamy (with a headline and description). The term story belongs to somewhere else, but the content could be very much the same.


If I am right this is how you could link to it:


The first about 48 hours you can use your link to your group of images in the Alamy News container. This link is a long string, but it can be shortened considerably in tinyurl.com


After about 48 hours the images are transferred to your Alamy stock collection. In this you can make a lightbox and forward the link in the same way.


The images may not be presented as you are used to, though. I think I have guessed why you call it a "story"...


Good luck.


PS If I am correct I wasn't aware that it was possible to upload to Alamy News before you were a stock contributor - as Philippe states, your number of stock images is zero.

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