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Where to report image misuse?

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Just scrolling through Facebook and came across a rather blatant copyright infringement by a drift series in the UK 'Retro Drift Challenge', posting a screen grab with the Alamy stock watermark.


Where's the best place to report this am sure the tog would like some income rather than a watermarked image being posted on social media...

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I've had my images with them Alamy watermark posted on a Facebook group. Reported it to Facebook and they were removed very quickly.

The recent Shelter images from Nick Hedges are flooding the Facebook groups at the moment in each city where they were taken. A shame really after a 43 year embargo.

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I was under the impression Alamy allows sharing on FaceBook since there's a share icon next to each image and they allow downloading of low-res watermarked previews. I've come across several of mine recently on FB with the Alamy watermark and image code. I do wish Alamy would include the photographer's name though.


As Mickfly said, you can report the image to FaceBook - just click on the downward arrow near the upper right hand corner of the image and choose "report/ mark as spam" and they'll remove it within 24 house.

Still, it seems like an uphill battle.



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A share button on the results page?




Do any image search on Alamy. Click an image. On the top righthand side next to the words,  "Buy this stock image now..." in blue is the word  "Share". Click this and you get a pop-up list:Facebook,Twitter etc.

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