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Photographer Page

Alexandre Fagundes

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Another sugestion.

Alamy could design a page for each photographer, so we wouldnt need (or even think of) having our own website.

You can today select a photographer´s portfolio, but you don´t have the feeling that it is that photographer´s page, a place he call home...

I dont think that is too hard to do.

Just a landing page where you could customize it your way, add your plants, feng-shui, your family pictures, ...., feeling like home...

Current page is just too boring, look at mine.



I am adding some cool examples:




Hope this helps.




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  • 2 months later...

I think this would be a welcome addition, and could help Alamy considerably.  Currently I link to my port on Alamy from my website, but a nicer landing page would have a more professional look and feel.

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Personally I think between licensing images and recent issues with the forums Alamy has enough on their plate. 

Basic websites are cheap or even free. Many ISPs include them in the basic package or you can set up a free blog at Wordpress, Google, or one of many other sites and use your own domain name.

I think many of us already have websites elsewhere. I'd much rather they focus on promoting and licensing photos than getting into the business of web hosting.



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That's true Dogue, that Alamy needs more work on promoting and licensing photos, fully agree with you, but also it would be nice if they could work on changing their outdated look :) In comparison to some new agencies, when I come to Alamy I have the feeling I'm in antique market ;)

I have my own website, even few, but Alamy is representing my (licensing) collection and the page design (layout?) doesn't look very interesting so far. I miss the option to add some (at least basic) informations about author like: who I am, where I work, am I open for orders, etc...

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I've asked for the development of the photographer page for years now, and even got answers from alamy in discussions unfortunately stating that that's not their priority.


With simple work, like allowing to create folders to organize the portfolio, the display of more thumbnail per page, and a simple introduction/presentation column that would be enough.


I often felt tempted to promote my portfolio in alamy, since alamy already provides the payment and billing structure and a support team making it much more easy than to build a personal website. But with such a poor page I always gave up on that idea as I never saw an effective way for a customer to get interested.


We lose, alamy loses and also the customers since most designers never heard of alamy and do not know the very different type of imagery alamy offers.

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Personally I think between licensing images and recent issues with the forums Alamy has enough on their plate. 

Basic websites are cheap or even free. Many ISPs include them in the basic package or you can set up a free blog at Wordpress, Google, or one of many other sites and use your own domain name.

I think many of us already have websites elsewhere. I'd much rather they focus on promoting and licensing photos than getting into the business of web hosting.




What's wrong to have a simple page with the portfolio organized in folders where we present a potential costumer our work with a payment and billing structure and even support team if they require it?


Alamy already hosts our work, so they would not be entering the hosting business, just providing a way for us to organize a view of it to potential clients. Everybody wins.


Creating a personal website, with payment and billing options and all that alamy already offers is not that simple for the vast majority of us. I know as I've created a couple of personal websites.

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