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Filtered Image Search

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Is it possible to search for usages using both using the address of an image and limiting keywords?


I have a couple of shots that have been plundered by pirates so that a Google image search returns pages of irrelevant finds. I would like to be able to refine the search by adding some keywords, but I can't find a way of doing this. If you use the advanced search feature and add text, then the search forgets about your image and just looks for the words!



Edit - Just found that there is some possibility here, when the Google header search box appears with a thumbnail of your image you can add keywords to the search. That seems to promote those finds to the top of the heap. I can't find a way of entering words that I don't want to see, normally possible using a minus sign.

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Instead of minus sign try NOT before the word you don,t want to search.


I have not used the method you mention above but hope it helps.



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