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Illustration Images for initial QC test

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Hello :)


Alamy needs 4 images for initial submission and QC test. Can I upload 4 illustrations (which are created with adobe illustrator and not real photographs) for this initial test?


Thanks in advance.

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In short I don't know.


I guess that if you intend only to submit such images in the future, it would be a valid thing to do, but the vast majority of images on Alamy are conventional photos, and the initial test is intended to verify that you can produce four of them to the required standard.


If you intend to also submit photos the initial check is a pain free way of ensuring that your equipment and methods are appropriate and can save later grief, that will come if you subsequently persistently fail to clear the QC barrier.



I would suggest that you contact member services for advice.

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Vector submisions is a whole different ball game than photo submissions. If there are no photographic elements, than these would be vector submissions, and you have to do those via disk and I think your first submission is something like a thousand.  They want serious vector artists.



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