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Identify pic: San Francisco Outdoor Warning System Siren

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I shot this image on the Golden Gate Bridge. I'm trying to figure out if it is part of the San Francisco Outdoor Warning System or just a general traffic siren of some kind. Pretty sure it is not one of the fog horns. I cave contacted the city but have gotten no response. Any ideas?




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Not my neck of the woods, but Google images of the OPWS show round off-white speakers. Yours match the bridge in colour (International orange, if you didn't know, should be in the keywords!) so I'd say they belong to it.

The website has a map of the speakers which unhelpfully has a picture of the bridge on its homepage.

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Thanks Mark. The city map does show a speaker in the general area but it's not too specific. The other speakers in the city are rounded white speakers. My guess is that anything attached to the bridge has to fit in with its color and historical nature. I just messaged the city's dept of emergency management FB page.

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