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Alamy accounts for 2013

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Alamy have just released their accounts for the year ending 31 December 2013. It shows some interesting results, including the effect of reducing contributor commissions, headcount increase and dividends paid. The full accounts can be downloaded from Companies House for £4.99 I think but you can get the summary free from DueDil.


Interestingly, Debtor Days have reduced which must be good news for all of us. The Directors are rewarding themselves well, nothing wrong with that, it is their company and they deserve payback for their hard work just like we do. Turnover is down but profits are up significantly. Don't forget that Alamy gives a lot of money to Charity also.


All this information is in the public domain so I assume there is no problem discussing it ....



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Pocket money compared with what the two big American rivals are making.  In one case the London branch alone is making the same or more.


However, Alamy still pays the highest commission.  And most of the collection is unsalable, so you could say it's really a much smaller collection, even though Alamy prefer to claim it is the biggest (biggest online, including mainly unsalable material).


Or it is salable, in which case ...

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