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Beware if you delete a pseudonym

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I have recently been juggling images around, creating and deleting pseudonyms. A batch i uploaded passed QC but did not appear in manage images.

I contacted Member services and the technical team explained that when we upload a batch it gets assigned to one of our pseudonyms and because i had 

deleted that particular pseudonym the batch had no where to go. The technical team had to manually assign the batch to another pseudonym.

Unfortunately this problem has continued and i now have 2 more uploads that have passed QC but not appeared in manage images.

So my learning from this is Not to delete any more pseudonyms.


PS I must add that The Alamy team are more than helpful when problems like this occur.





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For the upload issue I suspect the secret is to make sure that the default pseudonym still exists.



Cheers Martin i have just checked and i had no pseudonym assigned as default so the answer could be you can delete a pseudonym but if it;s your default you have to assign another in it's place.





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