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I just noticed that both the G16 and the previous G15 are actually on the recommended camera list. Previous Gs are either on the unsuitable list or in limbo between unsuitable and recommended. Has anyone used the G16? Is it that much better than previous models? Also, neither the G1X or the Mark II version are on the recommended list, which is interesting since they have much larger sensors than the other Gs.

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Some of my multiple sellers are from the Canon G9...


I use to like the G series but got spoiled by using cameras with full frame sensors.

I didn't like the G1X though...too slow.




I tried the G1X as well and yes, it was too slow. Image quality was very good though. It was too expensive for what it is, but the price has dropped since the Mark II version came out. Everything I read about the G16 is that it's quite fast and the image quality is very good, even up to ISO 1600. I had a G10 and loved it at 200 or less.

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images from the G9 on Alamy Linda?

I am pretty sure I have some going back before that possibly even to the G7 and may be G5. Uploaded when the cameras were current of course and QC was different. Most of my last QC failures were with the G10 when they pushed the resolution just too far.

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Canon G15 is OK in good light at low ISO (I've successfully submitted several batches), although fine textures (distant foliage, grass etc.) can go a bit mushy so I've rejected some images without submitting. I usually downsize to 3400 x 2550 to be on the safe side. I find it really useful for close-up stuff because of the increased depth of focus the small sensor gives.

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  • 2 months later...

I have a G16 as a camera to have in the car the few pictures I have submitted have all been accepted but you really do have to check the image at 100% as I think its right at the edge of whats acceptable


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