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Payment times vary...a lot, and you have to cross the payout threshold limit to trigger a payment to your account. Some clients will pay fairly quickly, others after a few months under arrangements they have with Alamy. There is a time limit for payment(s) when you can contact MS (Member Services)where you have not been paid for your image(s)and they will look into this for you.


If you check your account on the 'My Alamy' page you can see what images have sold and the date of sale. Which images have been cleared as 'paid' and which haven't.




Edit: Wow, fast work you guys. 2 greenies.

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Does anyone know why some payments take so long to clear? I have a newspaper sale reported on 31st January, yet still not cleared.


Is this just the date on which the buyer actually owns up to having used the image?


As ever though, with the papers it is hardly worth the wait :(

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Reply from member services 


Hello Paul


Thanks for the information.


Some of our editorial customers report usages to us over a period of time. If you don’t see the sale appear in your account within 4 months of being published then please get back to us, we can then check this against the customers downloads and invoice it.


Drop me a line if you need any further help.





Member Services

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