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Fuji X100S Out of camera JPEGS

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I enjoy photography and particularly enjoy seeking interesting compositions.


I have a Fuji X100S camera and would like in the future to send images to Alamy for approval.


I do however have some questions and would seek the advice of experienced people on this forum.


  1. Do Alamy accept out of camera JPEGS re - Fuji X100S.
  2. If so , how do ensure that the OOC JPEG is increased in size from its 6mb size to 24mb , as required by Alamy.

Thank you much.


I am naive but there is a keen photographer here awaiting to emerge.


Kind regards,



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The x100s produces excellent ooc jpegs, so those will be fine for upload, subject to the usual alamy guidance on preparing images for upload.

The camera is 16mp, therefore it comfortably meets the file size requirement.

From memory, the uncompressed file size is about 48mb for the 100s, the jpeg format compresses the file size hence the lower file mb size recorded.


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To get approximate file size multiply pixel count by 3. So 8million pixel will be 24Mb but go a bit over to be sure. Any image comfortably over 8Mpixel will be fine even as jpg, just use a high quality - 10 or more. I use max quality, 12 or 100% however you software measures it.

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  • 2 weeks later...

When shooting OOC JPEGS from a Fuji X-E1 what sharpness setting does one use in order to clear Alamy QC? The sharpness settings are; +2 , +1, 0, -1, -2. What would be the preferred setting to use? I would appreciate any feedback from anyone who has submitted OOC JPEGS with no problems passing Alamy QC.

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