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Newspaper image rights

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I seen one of my images in the Gaurdian last week but there are no details on my account of a sale. This same image has also been used previously by the same newspaper but it is Rights Managed, so I would of expected a further sale.


My question is, do newspaper's have a special kind of deal with Alamy for repeat use of rights managed images? An also does it take a while for the sale to show in your account?





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  • 2 weeks later...

It takes at least 6-8 weeks for newspaper scheme sales to report.

Yes, it will be a separate sale if outside the terms of the previous licence, but the Guardian are scrupulous and I had a new sale reported on an RF licence nearly four years later.

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Any sale I've had from the papers has been followed by a smaller sale for the same image (usually $2) so they can use it forever. I have now noticed that this archival usage is written in to the initial sale. I'm still waiting for a report of a sale for usage last July. Angers me everyday I check My Alamy and it's not there. It's not acceptable. 

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You need to wait up to 3 month before being certain that the report of a sale has been missed with newspapers.  After 3 months send a polite message to member services that the deadline has been passed.  Keep reminding them every month or so.  I sell a fair number to newspapers through alamy and as far as I know they have all been paid eventually.  We all owe it to each other to make sure that any pictures of ours that get published we get paid for, otherwise people will keep thinking that they can get pictures for free.

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