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Copyright Infringement - hopeless outcome !

Chris Pearsall


Absolutely gobsmacked at how pointless Alamy's infringement team has proved to be. Back in August '23 I found one of my images being used by LBC on their "X" feed. Checked my sales and there was no record. Contacted the infringement team.


The reply was: 

"As an existing customer LBC – part of Global Radio, have a declaration period and since this has not passed yet so we wouldn’t be chasing them for an infringement just yet. They are usually really good at declaring their uses so I don’t anticipate any problems but if you haven’t received payment after 30 days then please do let me know and I can bill them for an infringement."

Months passed and there was still nothing showing up in my sales until last week, when the sale appeared marked as an infringement charged at 5x their normal rate.


So I get $37.50 - and I have to say I'm bloody furious !


If I had taken this to my usual IP chaser or gone through IPEC I would certainly have been looking at a return in the region of £750-£1000 particularly as the image also lacked any attribution.


Thoughts ?


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Alamy insist that I am contractually bound to check with them before pursuing any copyright infringement. 


I have marked all my images as Exclusive just so as I keep some control over this.


As Mark says it is hardly surprising that Alamy looks after their own customers. I can understand your annoyance Chris. 

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That's one of the potential advantages of using a 3rd party to chase the infringements - there's no conflict of interests. If Alamy tried to penalise regular customers with such charges, they would loose any further business from that customer, so not good for business. I have found Alamy's infringement team are prepared to levy larger fees where the infringer isn't a regular customer.



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