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Hello! New to Alamy and critique much appreaciated

Clement Ong

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I'm new to Alamy and stock photography in general. I've been slow uploading photos that I've taken from the past 2 years but I would appreciate any tips on the photos that I'm uploading or the keywords that I'm setting. Hopefully I'll be able to upload more than 100 photos by end of the year.





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Hi Clement,

Nice images. Captions are searchable by clients, so it's best to try to make full use of the 150 characters available to you. In some of your captions you could add the country, that it is an aerial view, the species Latin name, where the animals are etc...






One or two look a bit underexposed, and with a blue bias on the white balance, e.g. 2T97BRY, 2T8EMTD



Edited by Steve F
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