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News upload via FTP has corrupted image files



I uploaded about 160 images via FTP (Filezila) to the Live News folder. About 30-40 of them are corrupted. I tried deleting my folder and uploading a second time - same problem. I'm guessing it's my network. Any thoughts or commiserations?





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I'm really thinking it's my wifi as I've had issues with the browser uploader as well. I'm going to try a direct upload via an ethernet connection and see if that works. 

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14 hours ago, timo said:

I'm really thinking it's my wifi as I've had issues with the browser uploader as well. I'm going to try a direct upload via an ethernet connection and see if that works. 

When I first joined Alamy I was plagued with similar problems to you due to a poor wifi from a 3G dongle attached to my MacBook Air, but with only attempting live news uploads of between 10 to 20 images, never 160 images as you did. Changing from FTP clients transmit to filezilla or the web upload option made no difference. Now looking to update from my 4G iPhone XR to gain 5G access.

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