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Alexander Hogg

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Just curious on anyone's thoughts on the first page or so as I did have a portfolio check last year before I left the forum on three quarter of the portfolio which was informative Some images will be changed as soon as I can do it  

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Hi Alex,

Shame we can't see the critique from before! Glad you're back doing it. 


Pica enjoying being on the grass, Edinburgh, Scotland. UK - Image ID: 2PHAYH7

No common name for the bird in your caption and the park name is missing. And you're missing half the Latin name:

Eurasian magpie or common magpie (Pica pica)

There's no context around the bird showing the park, it could be anywhere. And if there's no context, I'd expect a much more zoomed in image of the bird. So I can't see a buyer buying this to a) show the park or b) show what a magpie looks like.


High Court Judiciary building on the Royal Mile, Edinburgh, Scotland, UK - Image ID: 2PHAYH3

You're not making the most of your 150 character limit for captions - captions are also searchable. Is there anything of interest you can say about the building? E.g. is it listed, what century was it built, what stone made from...?

There's significant converging verticals here. It is used to effect sometimes with isolated building facades - not a good look here with the buildings on the left. Unlikely to sell - tbf there's quite a few shot like yours, but also a lot that have had software corrections to make the lines vertical, or they've been shot from further away without the lens looking up so much.




Old Boroughmuir High School has been was transformed into flats many years ago, Edinburgh, Scotland, UK - Image ID: 2MCXCJJ

errmm... they were covered in scaffolding in 2019 (Google Maps) and a show flat was created in 2020 to attract buyers, so fairly recent! If you're not uploading a huge amount, you can take your time to do a little Google research. I believe accurate captioning and keywording can really help sales.


I couldn't find another image of this on Alamy, so that's good. But backlit and underexposed buildings like this look horrible photographically - I can't remember seeing images like this published. As you live in Edinburgh, you can go back and photograph the building in better light. I probably wouldn't even bother taking a picture of a famous landmark (or a lot of things outdoors really) if the lighting is bad, it's not worth it in my opinion. Even if you're only somewhere for a one off - there's always going to be a better picture than yours if the lighting for the subject is bad.




I could write a lot about the composition in some of your images, not sure how much critique you want and don't want to put you off! You do have some nice images in there too. Best of luck with increasing your sales.


Edited by Steve F
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Thanks Steve F The magpie one I had cropped in further before and got rejected for being to small As with the high court it was my mistake at using a far too wide angled lens 

Some I will be re-doing and going to recaption others like you mentioned 

Last year I had also said that I couldn't afford to do much but found out I had more money than I thought and purchased the Canon R6 and 2 lenses so here's hoping I do better 

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You're welcome.


3 minutes ago, Alexander Hogg said:

The magpie one I had cropped in further before and got rejected for being to smal

Further to what I added above, long story short - don't bother taking or submitting the image in the first place. Be more ruthless. E.g. your thoughts should be, "I can't get close enough or show the park, it won't sell, so I'm not going to bother taking it."


Good luck with your new kit.

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1 minute ago, Steve F said:

Further to what I added above, long story short - don't bother taking or submitting the image in the first place. Be more ruthless. E.g. your thoughts should be, "I can't get close enough or show the park, it won't sell, so I'm not going to bother taking it."


Good luck with your new kit.



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looks better this time around. 


2PGMJR8 is night time image with  yellow sodium lighting. if you were to WB and got rid of the yellow cast, you might get a different look and feel compared with the original.


2JW91PN a large "campervan". I didn't see more specific keywords on the make and model of this vehicle in the description. sometimes people are looking for the make and model rather than generic. this one in the photo is a krug "rhino" expedition built on a MAN TGM 18.290 4X4 chassis (according to a search).

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Nice collection. I'm sure in time it'll sell well, good luck.


I had a quick look and I'm not sure why 2PG3HA1 is described as a "Phalacrocoracdiae" - google suggests that may be a slight typo and instead what you want is "Phalacrocoracidae". However, I would still simply describe this as a "cormorant" which is what 99% of people will know it as. Definitely put the scientific names later in the caption and keywords, don't forget "phalacrocorax carbo" as well, they are also known as Great Cormorants. 


EDIT: do check your spelling too. The caption claims "figgate park", the keyword "figgat".

Edited by Cal
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Looks like the birds are all missing the common name.


RAF Troy wood Scotland's Top Secret Bunker is a top secret command centre in the response to a nuclear war with Russia in Fife, Scotland - Image ID: 2NGRNDK

We're looking at a vehicle, not a bunker. Definitely saleable if you name the vehicle in the caption.



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2 hours ago, Steve F said:

Looks like the birds are all missing the common name.


RAF Troy wood Scotland's Top Secret Bunker is a top secret command centre in the response to a nuclear war with Russia in Fife, Scotland - Image ID: 2NGRNDK

We're looking at a vehicle, not a bunker. Definitely saleable if you name the vehicle in the caption.




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