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Slightly lost!


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Your first submission should be of 3 images only and then you have to wait to be accepted. In these difficult times Alamy is short of staff and it may be two or three weeks before they let you know.



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Many thanks for your prompt response.   In fact I uploaded my first batch of images several weeks ago.   Shortly afterwards I sent a couple of emails asking how to locate to view my images..  As you suggested, they are understaffed, so that is why I inquired if another contributor knew how to view their images once signed in.  Many thanks DesE 

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I can see why you are lost. I was trying to find the instructions for your first submission and I failed. So I will just tell you.... Submit 3 images only. They will be checked only for technical issues... are they sharp, not too much noise, etc. Then wait to see if you are accepted. Nowadays that takes 2-3 weeks. You say you sent a batch so I suspect more than 3.



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Just to clarify:  my first small batch of images were accepted.   It seems from one of the replies that I should  go to the Alamy Image Manager so I'll try this although I cant think how I could have missed such an obvious link



Many thanks all




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OK, in that case once you've logged in on the Alamy main page there is a dropdown under 'My Alamy', Alamy Image Manager is the second one down. I'd be surprised if you didn't see your images there but since they're not on sale you're going to have to caption them so that they are. That of course is quite an art in itself but there is plenty of advice on this forum to help - don't forget the important 'Optional' tab, especially model & property releases, it's best to say you don't have them where appropriate.

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I hate our image manager quite a lot and having to click "add caption" to add the caption and the same for the location is one of my pet peeves. Why not just a box to put the caption in? There are some good instructions... but for some reason I don't seem to be able to put the link in so here I go telling you how to possibly find them... At the top of the Alamy Image Manager there is a black bar. On that bar there is a Help tab. Try that.  I have received all kinds of weird messages while writing this and let's see if they go away when I post it..







Edited by NYCat
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