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Property Release Number

Trev Rich


Sorry if this is a dumb question.... and hello all!


Very new here just stepping across from wedding photography.


Just filling out a property release form and not sure what to put for the "Property Release Number"


I'm guessing my own prefix followed by 0001 and so forth? 






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4 hours ago, Trev Rich said:

Sorry if this is a dumb question.... and hello all!


Very new here just stepping across from wedding photography.


Just filling out a property release form and not sure what to put for the "Property Release Number"


I'm guessing my own prefix followed by 0001 and so forth? 







It's your call, not an Alamy thing.

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The model and property release forms I use are ones I have been using for years, provided by the big G. They don't have a property release number field, and neither does Alamy's own forms. I guess it is imply there for you to use as an internal referrnce.


As we are on the subject of releases, for any images you have with 'property', Alamy's advice is they need to be RM or RF-Editoral only.  Some potential buyer  may see your supercar images and think that being marked RF, they are free to use them for commercial purposes, which Lambourgini may not like. Marking them RM or RF-Editorial only gives a degre of protection against this. 

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