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I have just discovered one of my images being used on the website www.spotlight.it-notes.ru  - when you log on to this website it displays Windows 10 SpotLight Images. Not only is the owner of this website using my image illegally, he is also using a play on the Microsoft logo/brand/name to display them. The owner is basically uploading images from Windows Spotlight Images to his own website fraudulently. I will be perusing this matter without limits. It might be worth other contributors checking to see if their images are being used fraudulently? In the interim, any advice would be most welcome!!  


Best Regards


Peter Liggins 

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You should contact Alamy first (assuming Alamy licensed your image to Windows Spotlight). It might also be worth contacting Microsoft. Take screenshots.

Pursuing payment on an international infringement could be very expensive for you, and as I found on a case I had recently, expenses aren't always granted even if you win the case, so you could be out a lot of money on legal fees for a small payout. Tread carefully - I consulted an internatial IP lawyer and that was her advice.

I do understand that there's an important principle at stake.


There are some third-party websites which might take this up for you, I haven't tried them, but you might get some recommendations - or otherwise - from people who have. I guess it would be most useful to discover which successfully pursued infringements in Russia.


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2 hours ago, peter liggins said:

I have just discovered one of my images being used on the website www.spotlight.it-notes.ru  - when you log on to this website it displays Windows 10 SpotLight Images. Not only is the owner of this website using my image illegally, he is also using a play on the Microsoft logo/brand/name to display them. The owner is basically uploading images from Windows Spotlight Images to his own website fraudulently. I will be perusing this matter without limits. It might be worth other contributors checking to see if their images are being used fraudulently? In the interim, any advice would be most welcome!!  


Best Regards


Peter Liggins 


I feel your pain, but I'm afraid that you're absolutely wasting your time in either regard: you will have great difficulty in pursuing any legal action against the owner of the site and Alamy will not take up the case unless they are able to contact the owner via an email address. They will likely inform you that they are happy for you to pursue the case, if you so wish.  You could contact MS, but I would suggest that they are also unlikely to view this as worth their while at all.


You will find dozens if not hundreds of these types of sites worldwide. It really is not worth the stress you will cause yourself worrying about them - believe me, I know. Confine your energies to pursuing cases in 'western' countries where you have a chance of success.

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