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What happens to excess metadata tags?

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Hello, everyone. Really enjoying this forum so far. I am brand-new, and haven't found an answer for this yet in my forum or Alamy instruction search so far. I was in the process of putting my first image on sale, and trying to figure out the best method for choosing which excess Lightroom tags I wanted to delete. I deleted a few, and wasn't seeing any changes to the number of tags. I then counted the tags, and realized that although the screen was saying there were 50/50 tags, there were actually a lot more showing. (Before I counted, I had assumed Alamy had already deleted excess tags on import, and I was figuring I was going to have to put some important ones back in.) Then I saw a note that said changes wouldn't be recorded until you hit Save. So I went ahead and hit it because I thought you had to do that to refresh the page with tag deletions. But lo and behold, evidently hitting that button puts your image up for sale! So evidently it's gone into the process for sale with way more than 50 tags? Does this mean the system will automatically delete excess tags? Alphabetically? I'm curious why the system wouldn't tell you you had too many tags before putting the image into the sales queue. Thanks for any help anyone can give me!


I hadn't designated any supertags or filled out the optional information either, so now I'll have to do that after the fact. It also defaulted to royalty-free, which I quickly changed.


This is the second issue I've had so far with something Alamy could probably use a "Confirm" dialog box for before automatically launching a significant process.


Edit: I've since figured out that the image goes on sale as soon as you meet the minimum mandatory info requirements. I've edited the listing to delete excess keywords, but I still have my question about what would happen if I hadn't.

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